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Tyco international is the world’s largest manufacture and service producer of electrical and electronic components, is also the world’s largest manufacturer and provider of fire protection and electronic security services. In 2001,we were ranked by Business Week magazine in the US as number one in the best performing 500 companies and number 32 in terms of market value among the global top 1000 companies. In year 2003, Tyco International rank 91 in global fortune 500. Tyco holds number one position in many industrial fields and is a diversified multi-international company. Tyco electronics is the biggest division of Tyco international. It offers a broad range of high quality electronic component products. It operates in more than 50 countries and has more than 75,000 employees. Tyco electronics has 7 manufacturing facilities and many sales offices in China. It has about 15,000 employees in China and its yearly manufacturing revenue is more than 400 million US$. Tyco electronics pays a lot of attention to the development in China and plans to expand its investment and sales in this biggest developing country. Tyco electronics (Dong Guan), which was established in Oct.1995, is a whole-owned enterprise of Tyco electronics. It is located in the 1st Industrial Zone, Da-Jing District, Hou-Jie Town, Dong Guan City. The land space is 35,000sqm. We hire more than 2000 employees. 泰科国际是全球最大的电子电气原器件制造及服务企业, 同时也是全球最大的消防及电子安全系统制造商. 2001年泰科国际被美国u0026lt;u0026lt;商业周刊u0026gt;u0026gt;评为全美500强表现最好成绩公司的第一名, 在全球1000家最具市场价值的公司中排名第32位. 2003年泰科国际在全球500强中排行第91. 泰科国际在多个工业领域中处于全球第一位, 是一家多元化的跨国公司. 泰科电子为泰科国际最大的一个分部. 向全球提供各种各样高品质电子元配件, 在全球50多个国家拥有75,000多名员工. 泰科电子在中国拥有七间制造工厂及多家销售处, 现有员工15,000名. 年产值超过4亿美元, 泰科电子非常重视在中国的发展, 并计划增加在中国的投资和销售额. 泰科电子(东莞)有限公司建立于1995年10月, 是泰科电子全资所属的一家独资企业, 拥有员工3000多名. 公司视员工为最宝贵的财富,特别注重员工的培训和员工的职业发展。为了适应公司新的发展,公司于06年4月份已搬入占地5万平方米具有欧美风格的位于厚街科技工业园区的全新厂房。我司薪资福利:1.五天八小时工作制,计时人员加班按劳动法享有加班费,月薪人员加班享有换休假;2.全体职工享有社会保险及住房公积金,有薪年假病假等;3.全年享有13个月工资;4.年底享有绩效奖金;5.每年6-10月每月享有100-150元高温津贴;6.全员享有10万人身意外险, 工程师及以上职员本人及其子女可享受古平安保险;7.过年发放开工利是;春节举行抽奖晚会;端午节及中秋节发放礼品;定期举行生日晚会及发放生日礼 物;工会组织文体活动,年度旅游等;8.全员在入职后享有免费年度体检;9.公司每天提供免费上下班车.周未提供往返广州深圳班车. 郑重申明: 近期发现有不法之徒冒用本公司名义,谎称本公司在济南等地区开设分厂, 通过小灵通、移动电话通知应聘者面试、入职或参加培训. 为保障公司合法权益并避免应聘者受骗,本公司现在此郑重申明:公司内线电话均为 决不会用小灵通或移动电话与应聘者联系,请勿上当!